Tricia Eldridge

Tricia Eldridge
Developer of EnergyTouch® Healing
Founder of Energy Touch® School of Advanced Healing
President, EnergyTouch, Inc.
Tricia Eldridge is a life-long intuitive blessed with a profound connection to personal and divine energy. Her Guidance and healing success in private practice led her to design and develop the Energy Touch® Healing modality and its powerful healing and educational programs. This in turn has led clients to her for healing and healers to her for teaching. Energy Touch® Programs are unique in the field of energy healing. Designed for individuals at every level of personal and spiritual growth, this integrative energy healing accesses not only the first seven levels of the human energy field, but outer level energies where healing is at its source. This approach promotes healing at a cellular level and supports not only physical but psychological, spiritual and emotional healing. Tricia holds her private practice in Michigan and teaches the Dolphin Breath® workshops and Energy Touch® Basics classes nationwide. She is founder and instructor of a three-year training program at the Energy Touch® School of Advance Healing. The Energy Touch® School graduated its first class of professional healers in 2006. Currently, Tricia is at work on a book about her inspiring journey and the story of Energy Touch® Healing. The Energy Touch® School of Advanced Healing endeavors to be a source of knowledge and instruction worldwide, creating a community of healers that will become the template for energetic healing in the field of integrative medicine.
Tricia is also the author of three textbooks on Energy Touch® Healing as well as the Energy Touch® Basics workbook. She also developed the Dolphin Breath® energy breathing and chakra clearing practice which is the foundation of Energy Touch® Healing.